Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Making New Friends and Fans!

Recently Kim Beasley of MyBusinessConnection has placed several episodes of our beloved Go Go on her website.

She says 'I wanted to let you know that I love the format that you use for your podcasts. Very relaxed and laid back and packed with a lot of information.' Thanks Kim! And we treasure these words since Kim's on the techno-edge and knows what she's talking about.

Let us know if you want to be in our friend circle and put some Go Go on your site.

CAGG 25: Entrepreneurial Activism

How can entrepreneurs and small business owners be agents of positive social change in their communities? Join coaches Nancy and Catherine as they explore this interesting topic. Find out how you can add a community component to your business plan so you truly are making a positive difference in your community, while making a good living for yourself.

Runtime: 17 minutes - click the player to begin

MP3 File

Thursday, March 23, 2006

One Step Closer to World Domination

Nancy is all about world domination for Coaching a Go Go - and now we're one step closer.

Podcaster guru Penny Haynes from interviewed coaches Nancy and Catherine to hear how we've made podcasting work for us.

You know how Catherine and Nancy are - information rich, but always having a good time! Then gett Penny in the mix and you've got an explosive combination.

For Coaching a Go Go, who do you think had the idea and who got the ball rolling? How did Nancy and Catherine meet and why did they choose to podcast together? What exactly do each of them do as coaches?

Find out by listening to this fun interview at

Monday, March 20, 2006

Show # 24: Procrastination Strikes Again!

Procrastination is much more complex than simply putting things off. Join the coaches as Catherine reveals 5 underlying causes of procrastination, how you can spot them, and what to do.

runtime 24 minutes, click the player to get going

MP3 File

Thursday, March 16, 2006

#23 - Scarcity Thinking - Playin' the Blues in Your Life

Nancy breaks out her harmonica in this episode and plays us the blues as she gives some pointers on how to break out of scarcity thinking.

If you are one who expects the least out of situations or laments that bad things always happen to you, then hear how scarcity thinking affects your professional life, your money and your spiritual well being.

MP3 File

runtime - 24 minutes

Abundance Resources:

Suze Orman
The Wealthy Spirit
The Millionaire Mindset
Wealth Beyond Reason

Saturday, March 11, 2006

You've Imagined It - Now Get Your First Look at the Plannal

Remember Leyden and her Plannal - part planner, part journal? Well, here are some never before seen photos of her impressive creation.

Just goes to show you Mick was wrong - you can get what you want! You just may have to make it.

Just for review - Leyden bought an inexpensive regular 'ol planner and then threw out all the middle, so all she had left was the binder part.

Leyden, like many of us, has several projects including her job to keep track of, so she created her own calendar that has 3 section for her 3 big responsibilites.

Look how wonderful Nancy's creative material fits into the Plannal. Just like it was made for it! What a great way to use the Idea Parking Lot.

You'll get to hear more from Leyden sometime in the next few months to see how the Plannal is working for her and what she's changed as she's gone along.

#22 - Say NO and Get What You Want (or Something Better!)

Nancy and I interview Coaching A Go Go fan Kym, who has (with the help of her coach!) gone from a 'yes girl' to saying NO when she means it.

Learn the two important questions you must ask yourself before you say yes or no and some strategies that Kym has used to become a professional NO sayer.

MP3 File

Runtime: 20 min

Friday, March 03, 2006

#21 - Benefits vs. Features

Nancy says she wants a product that will Kill Ants, Doesn't Kill People. She doesn't care if it's a liquid, spray, gloppy goop, or powder. She doesn't want to know all the special ingredients and the scientific secrets that create this product. Give her the benefits and not the product features!

If you watch people's eyes glaze over as you talk about the technical features of your product or service, then listen in for the 3 step secret to defining your benefits.

This is a 'must listen' episode for those of you who want to negotiate a raise. Hear how Catherine's husband gained an almost 40% increase in his salary using benefits as the key.

MP3 File

Post script from Nancy: BABY POWDER works wonders on keeping ants out. "Keeps baby dry... keeps ants away."