Tuesday, November 14, 2006

#45 - Are You Undervaluing Yourself?

Are you underpaid, underemployed, underappreciated and overwhelmed? Contrary to what you may believe this is not about other people treating you baaaad. It's about self esteem and Coach Nancy will give you 3 tips to help you shed your beliefs of undervalue and spread your spark to the world.

Runtime - 14 mins. Click arrow below to play.

MP3 File

Monday, October 30, 2006

#44 - If Only... What's Standing Between You and Your Dreams

Recently Coach Catherine asked the question, 'If you had Unlimited Time & Money how would you live your life?' She will share some of the wonderful visions and dreams of some of the respondents and use their examples to highlight our own personal game of If Only. There's a good chance you've got an 'if only' in between you and your dreams so listen in to find out how to kindly move it aside.

Runtime - 13 min. Click the arrow below to begin.

MP3 File

Monday, October 02, 2006

#43 Big Gratitude, Little Gratitude

Woo Hoo! Coach Nancy has received the esteemed Anna Maria Arias award, which is fabulous and has caused a bit of stress. Nancy has some wisdom about how gratitude has helped to shift her attitude, decrease her stress and continue the abundance in her life.

Check out Nancy's award story at The Loca Diaries.

Runtime - 19 min. Click arrow below to begin.

MP3 File

Monday, September 25, 2006

#42 - Schedule vs. Flow

Do you ever end your day feeling worn out from all your activity, but wondering what the heck you accomplished? Do you flit from task to task taking care of busy work yet never really completing the big stuff. Listen in as Coach Catherine gives you the scoop on managing your day in a not too rigid, but not too loose kind of way. This comes from her own trials and tribulations of being sucked into the endless world of email and google, so the advice is super practical.

Runtime: 15 mins. Click player below to begin.

MP3 File

Monday, September 11, 2006

CAGG 41- Regaining Your Balance

They don't call her "Coach Balance" for nothing! That would be our very own CAGG co-host Catherine Bruns of Balanced Life Coaching.

Catherine shares a very powerful tool that can help you clearly see the reality of where you want to devote your energies versus where they actually are.

Get out a pen and paper, she's going to show you how to use this powerful life balance tool in this episode of Coaching a Go Go!

runtime 15 minutes - click the playbox to begin

Don't forget to tell us your favorite episodes of Coaching a Go Go as we prepare our "Best Of" Edition for CAGG's 1 year anniversary! Click the comments link below

MP3 File

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

CAGG 40: Delegation Nation

How much time and money are you wasting by NOT delegating properly?

Celebrate Coaching-a-G0-G0's 40th episode as Nancy reveals lessons learned from a recent teleseminar with a delegation expert.

Let go... and let someone else do the heavy lifting!

(If this is a favorite episode of yours, please leave a comment below. We're compiling the Best of Coaching a Go Go based on your comments and votes)

runtime 17 minutes, click the player to begin

MP3 File

Monday, August 21, 2006

#39 Who Are You?

No - we're not singing old 'Who' songs during this podcast (did we just date ourselves?) But, Coach Catherine is asking you a very important question.

How can knowing who you are help in your business, and in feeling satisfied in life? In this episode find out why being a perpetual people pleaser can drag you down an exhausting road of mediocrity and dissatisfaction.

Runtime: 16 mins
Click the arrow to play

MP3 File